Contest Archive Format

This page describes the archive format for a contest. It is developed in parallel with, and makes heavy use of, the Contest API.

There are several reasons that contest information will be stored on disk, including:

  • As configuration used to initialize a CCS
  • As an archive of what happened in a contest
  • As an archive for replaying a contest, either for testing contest tools or for teams to compete against live data
  • As a base for offline analysis

This standard lays out the relative location and format of each type of contest-related information when reading or writing to disk. The top level structure is inspired by the Contest API structure.

Archive contents

There are four top level directories:

  • config - configuration and setup
  • registration - information about particpants
  • events - detailed information about what happened during the contest
  • results - end results (this is typically an aggregate of the events)

All JSON and NDJSON files and file directories map to endpoints of the Contest API in the following way.

The format of the JSON returned from <endpoint> is accepted as the contents of <endpoint>.json (or .ndjson in the case of event-feed.ndjson). Some fields that are required in the contest API are optional in this file format, to support some non-contest use cases.

Also, all files referenced from the JSON of endpoints are stored in the <endpoint> directory. As such the file reference fields are not required. They are allowed to be included, so that post processing of API output is not needed, even if the URIs contained may not work after a contest (e.g. because they refer to resources on a local network that is no longer available).

In summary, if a system supports the Contest API it is very simple to export a correct archive, but it is not required to support the contest API to be able to use this archive forrmat.

The problem package is not available from the contest API but is stored using a similar naming convention.

File name Format Description Required
config/contest.json JSON Contest object. No
config/contest Directory Contest files. No
config/judgement-types.json JSON Array of judgement type objects. Yes
config/languages.json JSON Array of langauge objects. Yes
config/problems.json JSON Array of problem objects. Yes
config/problems/<problem-ID>[.kpp] KPP Problem package No
registration/groups.json JSON Array of group objects. No
registration/organizations.json JSON Array of organization objects. No
registration/organizations/<organization-ID> Directory Organization files. No
registration/teams.json JSON Array of team objects. Yes
registration/teams/<team-ID> Directory Team files. No
registration/team-members.json JSON Array of team member objects. No
registration/team-members/<team-member-ID> Directory Team member files. No
events/submissions.json JSON Array of submission objects. No
events/submissions/<submission-ID> Directory Submission files. No
events/judgements[.<system>].json JSON Array of judgement objects. No
events/runs[.<system>].json JSON Array of run objects. No
events/clarifications.json JSON Array of clarification objects. No
events/event-feed[.<system>].ndjson NDJSON Event feed objects. No
results/awards.json JSON Array of awards objects. No
results/scoreboard.json JSON Scoreboard object. No

JSON objects

JSON objects may contain additional fields not described below. Systems that do not recognize such additional fields should ignore them. Specifically, the endpoints defined in the Contest API contains file references. These files are contained in file packages in this standard and are thus not contained in the corresponding JSON objects, but a system may keep those file reference fields in JSON exported into a contest archive.

JSON types

The following JSON types are used.

Name Description
string Built-in.
number Bulit-in.
integer Built-in.
boolean Built-in.
ID A string consisting of characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-] of length at most 36 and not starting with a - (dash). IDs must be unique within arrays of JSON objects of its type.
TIME A string containing human-readable timestamps, given in ISO 8601 extended combined date/time format with timezone: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss(.uuu)?[+-]zz(:mm)? (or timezone Z for UTC).
RELTIME A string containing human-readable time durations, given in a slight modification of the ISO 8601 extended time format: (-)?(h)*h:mm:ss(.uuu)?.
<name> object JSON object specified below.
JSON object Some other (unspecified) JSON object.
array of <type> JSON array of <type>

Contest object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the current contest.
name string yes Display name of the contest.
formal_name string no Full name of the contest.
start_time TIME yes the scheduled start time of the contest, may be null if the start time is unknown or the countdown is paused.
duration RELTIME yes Length of the contest.
scoreboard_freeze_duration RELTIME no How long the scoreboard is frozen before the end of the contest.
penalty_time integer no Penalty time for a wrong submission, in minutes.

Differences from Contest API

  • The countdown_pause_time is not included. It is allowed but the information should be ignored.
  • The banner and logo elements are not included. They are allowed but the information may be ignored. These files are instead found as banner[.<size>].<format> and logo[.<size>].<format> in the same directory as the JSON file.


   "id": "wf2014",
   "name": "2014 ICPC World Finals",
   "formal_name": "38th Annual World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest",
   "start_time": "2014-06-25T10:00:00+01",
   "duration": "5:00:00",
   "scoreboard_freeze_duration": "1:00:00",
   "penalty_time": 20,

Judgement type object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes iIdentifier of the judgement type. Must be one of the IDs specified in the Contest API.
name string yes Name of the judgement. (might not match table linked above, e.g. if localised).
penalty boolean depends Whether this judgement causes penalty time; must be present if and only if penalty_time is present in config/contest.json.
solved boolean yes Whether this judgement is considered correct.

Differences from Contest API



   "id": "AC",
   "name": "Accepted",
   "penalty": false,
   "solved": true

Language object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the language. Should be one of the IDs specified in the Contest API.
name string yes Name of the language (might not match table below, e.g. if localised).
compiler Command object no Command to use for compiling submissions.
runner Command object no Command to use for running submissions. Relevant e.g. for interpreted languages and languages running on a VM.

Differences from Contest API

  • Includes compiler and runner that contains the commands to use for compiling and running respectively.


  "id": "cpp",
  "name": "C++",
  "compiler": {
    "command": "gcc",
    "args": "-O2 -Wall -o a.out -static {files}",
    "version": "gcc (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.0"
  "id": "java",
  "name": "Java",
  "compiler": {
    "command": "javac",
    "args": "-O {files}",
    "version": "javac 11.0.4",
    "version-command": "javac --version"
  "runner": {
    "command": "java",
    "version": "openjdk version \"11.0.4\" 2019-07-16"

Command object

Name Type Required Description
command string yes Command to run.
args string no Argument list for command. {files} denotes where to include the file list.
version string no Expected output from running the version-command.
version-command string no Command to run to get the version. Defaults to <command> --version if not specified.


  "command": "gcc",
  "args": "-O2 -Wall -o a.out -static {files}",
  "version": "gcc (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.0"
  "command": "javac",
  "args": "-O {files}",
  "version": "javac 11.0.4",
  "version-command": "javac --version"
  "command": "java",
  "version": "openjdk version \"11.0.4\" 2019-07-16"

Problem object

Name Type Required Description
id string yes Identifier of the problem. Must match problem package name if present.
uuid string depends UUID of the problem. Must be present if problem package is not present.
label string no Label of the problem on the scoreboard, typically a single capitalized letter.
name string no Name of the problem.
ordinal integer no Ordering of problems on the scoreboard.
rgb string no Hexadecimal RGB value of problem color as specified in HTML hexadecimal colors, e.g. ‘#AC00FF' or ‘#fff'.
color string no Human readable color description associated to the RGB value.
time_limit number no Time limit in seconds per test data set (i.e. per single run).
test_data_count integer no Number of test data sets.

Differences from Contest API

  • The time_limit element is required to be a number that is an integer multiple of 0.001 in the Contest API.
  • The uuid element is not defined in the Contest API.


  "id": "asteroids",
  "uuid": "cb1c4b77-b203-4943-a13f-9b89dec1ac11",
  "label": "A",
  "name": "Asteroid Rangers",
  "ordinal": 1,
  "color": "blue",
  "time_limit": 2,
  "test_data_count": 10

Group object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the group.
icpc_id string no External identifier from ICPC CMS.
name string yes Name of the group.
type string no Type of this group.
hidden boolean no If group should be hidden from scoreboard. Defaults to false if missing.

Differences from Contest API



  "id": "asia",
  "icpc_id": "7593",
  "name": "Asia"
  "id": "42425",
  "name": "Division 2",
  "type": "division"
  "id": "ziqkpexycy",
  "name": "Sponsors",
  "type": "sponsors",
  "hidden": true

Organization object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the organization
icpc_id string no External identifier (institution ID) from ICPC CMS
name string yes Display name of the organization
formal_name string no Full organization name if too long for normal display purposes.
country string no ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code of the organization's country
url string no URL to organization's website
twitter_hashtag string no Organization Twitter hashtag
location Location object no Latitude and longitude

Differences from Contest API

  • The logo element is not included. It is allowed but the information may be ignored. These files are instead found as logo[.<size>].<format> in the same directory as the JSON file.


  "id": "",
  "icpc_ic": "INST-1039",
  "name": "KTH Royal Institute of Technology",
  "url": "",
  "location": {
    "latitude": "59.347222",
    "longitude": "18.072778"
  "id": "",
  "icpc_ic": "INST-1663",
  "name": "Shanghai Jiao Tong U.",
  "formal_name": "Shanghai Jiao Tong University",
  "url": "",
  "twitter_hashtag": "#SJTU",
  "location": {
    "latitude": "31.200833",
    "longitude": "121.429722"

Location object

Name Type Required Description
latitude number yes Latitude in degrees.
longitude number yes Longitude in degrees.


  "latitude": "59.347222",
  "longitude": "18.072778"

Team object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the team.
icpc_id string no External identifier from ICPC CMS.
name string yes Name of the team.
display_name string no Display name of team. If missing clients should use name.
organization_id ID no Identifier of the organization that this team is affiliated to.
group_ids array of ID no Identifiers of the group(s) this team is part of. No meaning must be implied or inferred from the order of IDs. The array may be empty.
location Position object no Position and rotation of team on contest floor.

Differences from Contest API

  • The photo, video, backup, key_log, tool_data, desktop, and webcam, audio elements are not included. They are allowed but the information may be ignored. These files are instead found in the same directory as the JSON file.


  "id": "11",
  "icpc_id": "201433",
  "name": "Shanghai Tigers",
  "organization_id": "",
  "group_ids": [
  "location": {
    "x": 10.25,
    "y": 2.4,
    "rotation": 90

Position object

Name Type Required Description
x number yes Team's x position in meters.
y number yes Team's y position in meters.
rotation number yes Team's rotation in degrees.


  "x": 10.25,
  "y": 2.4,
  "rotation": 90

Team member object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the team-member.
icpc_id string no External identifier from ICPC CMS.
team_id ID yes Team of this team member.
first_name string yes First name of team member.
last_name string yes Last name of team member.
sex string no Either male or female, or possibly null.
role string yes One of contestant or coach.

Differences from Contest API

  • The photo element is not included. It is allowed but the information may be ignored. These files are instead found as photo[.<size>].<format> in the same directory as the JSON file.


  "id": "john-smith",
  "icpc_id": "32442",
  "team_id": "43",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith",
  "sex": "male",
  "role": "contestant"
  "team_id": "43",
  "first_name": "Östen",
  "last_name": "Ümlautsen",
  "sex": null,
  "role": "coach"

Submission object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the submission. Usable as a label, typically a low incrementing number.
language_id ID yes Identifier of the language submitted for.
problem_id ID yes Identifier of the problem submitted for.
team_id ID yes Identifier of the team that made the submission.
time TIME yes Timestamp of when the submission was made.
contest_time RELTIME yes Contest relative time when the submission was made.
entry_point string no Code entry point for languages needing it.

Differences from Contest API

  • The files and reaction elements are not included. They are allowed but the information may be ignored. These files are instead found in the same directory as the JSON file.


  "id": "187",
  "team_id": "11",
  "problem_id": "asteroids",
  "language_id": "java",
  "time": "2014-06-25T11:22:05.034+01",
  "contest_time": "1:22:05.034",
  "entry_point": "Main"

Judgement object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the judgement.
submission_id ID yes Identifier of the submission judged.
judgement_type_id ID yes The verdict of this judgement.
start_time TIME yes Absolute time when judgement started.
start_contest_time RELTIME yes Contest relative time when judgement started.
end_time TIME yes Absolute time when judgement completed.
end_contest_time RELTIME yes Contest relative time when judgement completed.
max_run_time number no Maximum run time in seconds for any test case.

Differences from Contest API

  • The max_run_time element is required to be a number that is an integer multiple of 0.001 in the Contest API.


  "id": "189549",
  "submission_id": "wf2017-32163123xz3132yy",
  "judgement_type_id": "WA",
  "start_time": "2014-06-25T11:22:48.427+01",
  "start_contest_time": "1:22:48.427",
  "end_time": "2014-06-25T11:23:32.481+01",
  "end_contest_time": "1:23:32.481",
  "max_run_time": "2.23"

Run object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the run.
judgement_id ID yes Identifier of the judgement this is part of.
ordinal integer yes Ordering of runs in the judgement. Must be different for every run in a judgement. Runs for the same test case must have the same ordinal. Must be between 1 and test_data_count, inclusive, for the problem referred to by the submission referred to by the judgement reffered to by this run.
judgement_type_id ID yes The verdict of this judgement.
time TIME yes Absolute time when run completed.
contest_time RELTIME yes Contest relative time when run completed.
run_time number no Run time in seconds.

Differences from Contest API

  • The run_time element is required to be a number that is an integer multiple of 0.001 in the Contest API.


  "id": "1312",
  "judgement_id": "189549",
  "ordinal": 28,
  "judgement_type_id": "AC",
  "contest_time": "1:22:42.420",
  "run_time": "0.76"

Clarification object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the clarification
from_team_id ID yes Identifier of team sending this clarification request, null if a clarification sent by judges.
to_team_id ID yes Identifier of the team receiving this reply, null if a reply to all teams or a request sent by a team.
reply_to_id ID yes Identifier of clarification this is in response to, otherwise null.
problem_id ID yes Identifier of associated problem, null if not associated to a problem.
text string yes Text of the question/reply.
time TIME yes Time of the question/reply.
contest_time RELTIME yes Contest time of the question/reply.

Differences from Contest API



  "id": "wf2017-1",
  "from_team_id": null,
  "to_team_id": null,
  "reply_to_id": null,
  "problem_id": null,
  "text": "Do not touch anything before the contest starts!",
  "time": "2014-06-25T11:59:27.543+01",
  "contest_time": "-0:15:32.457"

Event feed object

Name Type Required Description
type string yes Type of event. One of: contests, judgement-type, languages, problems, groups, organizations, teams, team-members, state, submissions, judgements, runs, clarifications or awards
id ID yes Unique identifier for the event.
op string yes Type of operation. One of create, update or delete.
data JSON object yes Event payload.

Differences from Contest API

No difference from old event feed model. Several differences from new webhook based model.


  "type": "submissions",
  "id": "593",
  "op": "create",
  "data": {
    "id": "187",
    "team_id": "11",
    "problem_id": "asteroids",
    "language_id": "java",
    "time": "2014-06-25T11:22:05.034+01",
    "contest_time": "1:22:05.034",
    "entry_point": "Main",
    "files": [{
        "href": "contests/wf14/submissions/187/files",
        "mime": "application/zip"

Award object

Name Type Required Description
id ID yes Identifier of the award.
citation string yes Award citation, e.g. "Gold medal winner".
team_ids array of ID yes IDs of teams receiving this award. No meaning must be implied or inferred from the order of IDs. The array may be empty.

Differences from Contest API



  "id": "gold-medal",
  "citation": "Gold medal winner",
  "team_ids": ["54", "23", "1", "45"]

Scoreboard object

Exactly as defiend in the Contest API

Differences from Contest API



  "event_id": "xy1234",
  "time": "2014-06-25T14:13:07.832+01",
  "contest_time": "4:13:07.832",
  "state": {
    "started": "2014-06-25T10:00:00+01",
    "ended": null,
    "frozen": "2014-06-25T14:00:00+01",
    "thawed": null,
    "finalized": null,
    "end_of_updates": null
  "rows": [{
    "rank": 1,
    "team_id": "123",
    "score": {"num_solved":3,"total_time":340},
    "problems": [

Binary files

Binary files realted to certain object types are stored in a single parent directory with the same name as the object type and subdirectories with the same ID as en element of that object type. The JSON file with the same base name as the parent directory is the parent JSON file of the files. The name of the subdirectories must match an ID in the parent JSON file.

If there are no files for some organization (i.e. if a directory would be empty) it should be omitted.

The naming scheme used for all files is <basename>.[.<specifier>].<extension>. If there are multiple files with any given basename in a single directory, a specifier must be used for all except at most one.

For files that are referred to in the Contest API, the file extension for each file reference should match the mime type in the file reference object using the following mapping:

Mime type File extension
image/png .png
image/jpeg .jpg
application/zip .zip
text/plain .txt

Problem package

Problems packages are strored in a single directory, or alternatively in a ZIP compressed archive using the file extension .kpp, according to the Kattis Problem Package Format specification.

Problem packages may be left out if (and only if) config/problems.json contains uuid for those problems. This assumes that the problems are stored elsewhere and can be found by macthing by the uuid, and this should be checked when verifying a contest archive.

Contest files

The organization directories contain all binary files related to a single organization in it's parent JSON file.

The following files could be in the organization directories:

Basename Specifier Mime type File extension Description
banner <width>x<height> image/png .png Banner for this contest, intended to be an image with a large aspect ratio around 8:1.
logo <width>x<height> image/png .png Logo for this contest, intended to be an image with aspect ratio near 1:1.

Organization files

The organization directories contain all binary files related to a single organization in it's parent JSON file.

The following files could be in the organization directories:

Basename Specifier Mime type File extension Description
logo <width>x<height> image/png .png Logo of the organization.

Team files

The team directories contain all binary files related to a single team in it's parent JSON file.

The following files could be in the team directories:

Basename Specifier Mime type File extension Description
photo <width>x<height> image/png or image/jpeg .png Registration photo of the team.
video <width>x<height> video/* varies Registration video of the team.
backup none application/zip .zip Latest file backup of the team machine.
key_log none text/plain .txt Latest key log file from the team machine.
tool_data none text/plain .txt Latest tool data usage file from the team machine.
desktop <width>x<height> video/* varies Video of the team desktop.
webcam <width>x<height> video/* varies Video from the team webcam.
audio none audio/* varies Team audio.

Team member files

The team member directories contain all binary files related to a single team member in it's parent JSON file.

The following files could be in the team member directories:

Basename Specifier Mime type File extension Description
photo <width>x<height> image/png or image/jpeg .png Registration photo of the team member.

Submission files

The submission directories contain all binary files related to a single submission in it's parent JSON file.

The following files could be in the submission directories:

Basename Specifier Mime type File extension Description
files none application/zip .zip Submission files.
reaction <width>x<height> video/* varies Reaction video from team's webcam.