Contest Control System (CCS) Specifications

This site contains multiple versions of the CCS specification. Each version of the specification contains a set of related specs for interoperability between different contest control systems and the tools that interact with them. These specifications have been designed and used in the context of the ICPC World Finals and various (sub)regionals, but they are meant to be useful outside the ICPC context as well.

Select a version to browse from the left navigation bar. For the current stable release (2023-06), go here.

Draft work on the next (future) version of the spec is done on the master branch in the repository and can be viewed here. These drafts can change in any way at any time.

Stable/Released Versions

Once a specification is released it uses the naming scheme <yyyy>-<mm>. These releases are stable and will not change except for trivial changes such as fixing spelling and grammar, or improving examples or explanations.

  • 2023-06 - Current stable release, used at the ICPC World Finals in Luxor
  • 2022-07 - Used at the ICPC World Finals in Dhaka
  • 2021-11 - Used at NWERC 2021 in Iceland
  • 2020-03 - Used at ICPC World Finals in Moscow
