2022-07 Contest Control System (CCS) specification

This branch contains the 2022-07 CCS specification for interoperability between different contest control systems and tools that interact with them. These specifications have been designed and used in the context of the ICPC World Finals and various (sub)regionals, but they are meant to be useful outside the ICPC context as well.

The following specifications are present:

  • Contest Control System requirements for the ICPC World Finals
  • Contest API: an API specification for accessing information provided by a CCS.
  • Contest Package Format: a format closely related to the Contest API for storing contest information on disk.

This is the 2022-07 release of the CCS specification. Other versions of the CCS specifications are available here.

Changes compared to the 2021-11 version

These are the main changes made since the 2021-11 version:

  • Access restrictions have been moved from the Contest API specification to the CCS system requirements document.
  • ORDINAL types are removed.
  • IMAGE, VIDEO, ARCHIVE and STREAM types are now of type FILE.
  • Nullable types are added.
  • FILE types now have a filename and hash property.
  • The format of the event feed changed.
  • The event feed now supports reconnection tokens.
  • A new API information endpoint has been added.
  • A new Access endpoint has been added.
  • Specific permissions have been replaced with a generic capabilities approach.
  • Renamed the Team members endpoint to Persons and made team_id in it optional.
  • A new Accounts endpoint has been added.
  • The CCS system requirements document specifies the required minimal access restrictions and the capabilities required by a CCS for the World Finals.
  • Groups now support a location attribute.
  • Performing a POST or PUT for the Submissions endpoint is now more generally available depending on the capabilities of an account.
  • Performing a POST for the Clarification endpoint is now more generally available depending on the capabilities of an account.
  • The Commentary endpoint now has a tags, source_id and submission_ids property and the mesage format changed.
  • It is no longer possible to request the scoreboard at the time of a given event and the event_id property is dropped from the response.
  • Importing contest configuration is no longer done through TSV files, but using a contest package.
  • Contest Archive has been renamed to Contest Package.
  • Add package and statement to Problem endpoint.
